
Dr. James A. Underberg, M.D.

Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine


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Please Consider Making a Donation to the Bellevue Hospital Lipid Clinic



To My Patients

As you may or may not be aware of, there is and has been a need for cholesterol screening and treatment of the underserved communities here in New York City. In addition to being faculty member of NYU Medical School, I am the medical director of a clinic at Bellevue Hospital for the specific purpose of the diagnosis and management of cholesterol disorders in this diverse patient population. They are a group of patients that are at high risk for cardiovascular disease, and require a multi-faceted approach to their problems. I volunteer my time to manage and direct the clinic, and Bellevue Hospital provides the infrastructure. The clinic started formal operations July 2005, meeting one morning a week. In addition to patient care, the clinic educates NYU House Officers (Interns and Residents) and Medical Students in the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders.

As the purpose of Cholesterol and Lipid Management is to prevent Cardiovascular Disease, it is appropriate that this clinic is being managed through the Division of General Internal Medicine,and in concert with the NYU Lipid Program..

 As a patient and friend of NYU, I believe this program represents an excellent opportunity to help promote cardiovascular prevention to those that need it most, but in many cases cannot access it.. I would like to discuss this new endeavor with you at your convenience, and look forward to your continued involvement in our plans going forward. Please feel free to call me on my direct # listed above.

 I hope you consider supporting this worthwhile program. Checks can be written to the "NYU School of Medicine-Division of General Internal Medicine", and can be addressed to the Division at the address below. Please include a copy of this letter with your check, so it can be allocated to the Lipid Clinic resources.

NYU Divison of General Internal Medicine

c/o Neil Silver, 550 1st ave OBV 620-A NY, NY 10016


Warmest Regards,

Dr. Underberg